It's been a while since I last blogged BUT fear not!! I am back and back with a treat for all you Motel wearing lovers. If like me you love all things Motel then you will be pretty happy to hear that Motel are having a 2 day SAMPLE SALE, next week *scream* .
If you have never been to a Motel sample sale before then you are in for a treat. I have been to one of their samples sales before and take it from me, it was pretty amazing. I walked out with lots and lots of bags full of yummy things that were very debit card friendly!
So, what are the details? OK, right...
Dates to mark in your i phone/ BB/ paper chase diary: 6th and 7th March 2014
What time? 10am-7pm on both days.
Venue: 71-73 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LP (behind Topshop/Miss Selfridge, Oxford Circus)
.. and there is more. The lovely people at Motel have sent me a £5 off voucher for all 'Just call me Shoe-na' readers. (See below) to use at the sample sale. All you have to do is print the voucher off and take it along to the sample sale.

I am going to get my motel sample shop on, on the Friday, so if you are popping down, look out for the girl with the BIGGEST pile of clothes, 'oohing' and 'ahhing' as I go through my pile.