I Shoena Isokariari, solemnly swear to get back into the swing of blogging weekly about my bargain of the week.
Just to refresh all your memories and to let new readers know what I am rambling on about. A few months ago (on my tumblr blog) I set myself the weekly challenge of finding a lovely item for under £15. There are 2 main rules:
1. Items must be from a variety of shops (so not just primani as that is way too easy)
2. Items can be anything i.e. a ring, a coat... the main thing is that all items must be fabo and of course a bargain!
I have been naughty (imagine me slapping my hand) and I have not posted my finds for the past 3 weeks BUT this is the start of a new beginning and I am back on it!! So with that said let me introduce you to my AH-MAZING bargain of last week... drum roll please....
Price... wait for it
From where? Topshop (WAS £35)
Ahhhhhh do you likey? I LOVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Ps My bargain for this week will be posted in the next few days (yes, I have already found one).