Sunday, 23 September 2012

My bargain of the week is back

So after a 3 week break.... 'My bargain of the week' is back! As well as a being a massive lover of shoes, rings, faux fur and sequins I do love a nice, scrumptious hat!! 

Now I will confess that I have not always been a lover of hats. I used to admire them from a far and then walk on by but back in February when I joined a company where one of the brands were gorgeous hats, I fell in love and I am now a proud hat wearing lover. I own a few and I had been after a new hat so imagine my delight when I saw this beauty.  

I picked up this hat from H&M for a purse string friendly price of £12.99 I love how it just instantly lifts my outfit. The colour is gorge and a popular colour this season. I like that on the trim around the rim of the hat there are 2 small gold leaves.

My new hat had its first outing last Friday; it came out for dinner with me, two of my favourite girls and one of their boyfriends (who kindly took my pictures, thanks Will)

What do you think? 


                                            My Outfit

-Faux fur gillet-Matthew Williamson
-Jacket -River Island (old)
-Owl bag-Accessorize
-Rings- Freedom at Topshop
-Capped toe boots- Zara

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