Saturday, 20 April 2013

My bargain of the week

Back by popular demand, 'my bargain of the week' is back! :) (although to be fair it was never gone away permanently).

So today I did a bit of thrifting. I felt like the cat got cream as I had discovered a few vintage gems all for ridiculously great prices! I'm talking prices that costed me less than a pret sandwich! Now do you feel me? I tell you as I handed over my card to pay for my bits, I was seriously smiling from ear to ear. See that's the great thing about thrifting; stumbling upon items that make you want want to jump for joy and also knowing that you won't suffer a case of ' post shopping guilt'!

So let me introduce you to two of my new additions: a white bag and a red mohair jumper that in total costed me a jaw dropping £2.

Are you a fan of thrifting?

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